We are so lucky that the Charlotte area offers so many dog-friendly places. Our red water buckets have quickly caught on around the area and now dog-friendly venues are asking how they too can join our #redbucketclub.
It’s a partnership we have built with tons of restaurants, breweries, and hangouts all over the Charlotte area. We provide heavy-duty, canine-friendly, red water buckets for dogs that you can put on your patio or outdoor area. These buckets show not only our customers but people all over the area that venue is dog-friendly! We also love to schedule social events and maybe even group classes at these venues throughout the year.
There are no strings attached, we only ask that you keep the buckets clean and filled with fresh water. This is our way of building dog-friendly relationships that benefit all! Please check out our #redbucketclub page here or the hashtag #redbucketclub to see other places where we have relationships!
If you need bucket(s) dropped off please contact our office.